The 11 Best New-To-Me Games of 2020
Plus 20 honorable mentions.
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Well, this year did not turn out the way I expected it to. Back in January I had all sorts of big plans for the year. I was going to jump back into reviewing a whole lot more, I was planning outings to local businesses for game nights with my game group instead of having every game night at our usual FLGS, I was planning on attending more conventions to focus on pitching games, and I was hoping to play a whole lot of new games this year. Then COVID-19 hit in March and everything came to a screaming halt. For a while that meant a lot more free-time to play games with my family, which was great while it lasted. However, before long we had settled into a new normal as extracurricular activities picked back up despite social distancing and other restrictions, and our free time was filled with Scouts, dance, library activities, etc. Plus my wife started a full-time job (in addition to her part-time job with the library that she loves too much to give up), so free time has become much more scarce lately.
Plus 20 honorable mentions.
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Well, this year did not turn out the way I expected it to. Back in January I had all sorts of big plans for the year. I was going to jump back into reviewing a whole lot more, I was planning outings to local businesses for game nights with my game group instead of having every game night at our usual FLGS, I was planning on attending more conventions to focus on pitching games, and I was hoping to play a whole lot of new games this year. Then COVID-19 hit in March and everything came to a screaming halt. For a while that meant a lot more free-time to play games with my family, which was great while it lasted. However, before long we had settled into a new normal as extracurricular activities picked back up despite social distancing and other restrictions, and our free time was filled with Scouts, dance, library activities, etc. Plus my wife started a full-time job (in addition to her part-time job with the library that she loves too much to give up), so free time has become much more scarce lately.
That said, the number of games I played this year is way, way down from past years. The number of new games is especially reduced since most of what I've played has been from my collection of games that I already had. I've added a number of new titles to my library, and even played a few of them, but over the course of a typical year many of the new-to-me games that I play are friends' games. According to BG Stats, I've only played 30 new-to-me games this year (it was between 70 and 100 the last few years) and only 84 different games total this year (usually around 150-200 games).
However, it hasn't been a completely disappointing year as far as gaming is concerned. I did gain a wonderful new gaming partner this year. My three year old son is turning out to be quite the gamer! Out of 217 recorded game plays, I've played with him 79 times (so far)! That's more than with anyone else, and it doesn't include all the times he's sat in and "played" some of the more complex games, like Scythe or Tash Kalar, while I've played with my older sons. Most of the games I've played with him are simpler games, like My First Castle Panic or cooperative games, like Forbidden Island, but he has played a few more complex games, too, like Court of Miracles! He doesn't quite get the strategy, but if the mechanics are simple enough he loves to play along! I'm really looking forward to seeing him grow in his gaming skills over the years.
As usual, this list only contains published games that I've played for the first time this year (although a couple I played previously in their prototype form). So, without further ado, here are my Top 11 New-To-Me Games for 2020, including 19 honorable mentions, so that's 31 games for 2020! OK, it's every new-to-me game I played this year, but most were pretty good and the list was small enough to keep them all on, even the couple that didn't quite click for me.
Also, check out my lists for 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, and 2014 as well as The Best Kickstarter Previews & Prototype Games of 2020.
Honorable Mentions in Alphabetical Order:

And Now for the Top 11 New-To-Me Games of 2019
* Indicates I played first as a prototype and then a completed, published version in 2020.

11. Triassic Terror (2013) - Eagle-Gryphon Games - Triassic Terror was sent to me a couple of years ago to review and I finally got around to reviewing it earlier this year. For an area control, combat game, I think I prefer Kemet, but Triassic Terror is dinosaurs, and who doesn't love dinos? This is a brutal combat game though, especially with 5 or 6 players. I think the sweet spot is 3-4 players and it doesn't scale super well up or down, but at 3 or 4 players this is a ton of fun and looks incredible!

5. Trace the Stars (2020) - Allright Games - This game is a finalist in the TGC Staff Roll and Write Challenge and it's the one game that I was about as excited about as my own Rolling Seas. This is a gorgeous roll & write game about mapping constellations in the night sky. I haven't played it multiplayer yet, though playing solo plays pretty much the same. I can see where it can be a bit AP prone, but I don't mind 'cause it's such a beautiful, amazing game. Unfortunately you can't get it off of The Game Crafter any more, but that's because it's been signed by a publisher, so look for it to get an upgraded version soon!

In Roam each player is searching the land for lost adventurers. Adventurers in your party let you place search tokens onto the cards in the play area in certain patterns and when an area has been completely searched the player with the most tokens in the area collects it, gaining points and a new adventurer in their party that gives them a new pattern that can be searched. You can also earn coins to gain artifacts and use special abilities. I really loved the player interaction, puzzles and patterns, and of course the artwork and theme. As with all of Ryank Laukat's games, the artwork is fantastic and this fits right in with the mythos in his other games, like Above and Below, Islebound, and Near and Far.
I really can't wait to play this one again. especially since I need a rematch against Kevin, who beat me by just one point!
Well, that's it for 2020! I may not have played as many games this year as in the past, but man, there were some great ones! I still have a number of games that I know are great on my shelf of shame, like Terraforming Mars, The Manhattan Project, TMP: Energy Empire, Agricola, and more. I hope 2021 is better all around, for games and everything else. I can't wait to get back to some normalcy for gaming, Protospiels, conventions, and everything else about life in general!
Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Are there any games you can't believe I put where they are? Is there anything that you think I just NEED to add to my collection? I want to hear!
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GJJG Game Reviews are independent, unpaid reviews of games I, George Jaros, have played with my family and friends.
Give Castles of Burgundy another go; it's a favorite (my 8th most played game).
ReplyDeleteI'm not familiar with most of your top 10 list.
I definitely want to try it again. I brought it to a few of the weekly game nights, but it didn't hit the table there either before they were canceled for the year. Hopefully 2021 will see it getting to the table again. I liked it quite a bit, but it was just hard to get into with so many interruptions. It took us almost two hours to get through, and it should have been 45 minutes, tops!