Monday, December 22, 2014

Settlers of Catan - 2-Player Variants

As some of you know, Catan is the board game that got my wife and I, and our sons, back into playing board games.  No, not Settlers of Catan, but Catan Junior.  We bought the game for our sons last Christmas when they were 4 and 7 and we all had a blast playing it.  The game was so much fun, in fact, that my wife and I actually played it a few times on our own.  That made me decide to get Settlers of Catan so we could have a bit more complex, adult play.  However Settlers of Catan is for 3-4 players.  So how could we play with 2 players?

So last January I spent quite a few hours scouring the Internet for 2 player variations for Catan.  I kept a document and compiled a list of 10 fan made variants and 1 official variant from Klaus Teuber himself.  I also compiled a list of additional rules variants that I came up with myself, based on my experiences with Catan Junior and some intuition.

When Catan finally arrived my wife and I spent many nights playing a number of variants.  I took some notes and added in a few additional variants that we played that mixed and matched rules from everything I had compiled.  The result is a 21 page document full of all sorts of interesting ways to play Catan for 2 players.  Some of the rules changes could also easily apply to 3+ player games as well.

So here I'm making available the entire PDF of Settlers of Catan 2 Player Variants.  Please note that many of these are not my own rules, but compiled from stuff I've found freely online.  Unfortunately at the time I wasn't planning on making this available to anyone other than myself, so I didn't document who originally posted the original variants.  I'll try to rediscover the original posts and credit the original variant creators, but in the meantime, if you know where the original variant is from (or if it's yours and you would like it removed for any reason) just let me know.

So without further ado, you can download the file from here:

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